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Paper Snowflakes 
December 12- 2020 (1st grade)
We learnt from a YouTube video how to fold and cut sheets of paper in specific ways to make snowflakes. 
2020-12-12-Snow Flakes (with dad's help)
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The Opposite of a Cube
January 3 - 2021 (1st grade)
I tried to teach Mortaza how to draw a cube from different angels (view points). He then went out of the room to build this shape and brought it back to me. It seemed that he had built this shape before. He then told me that this is the opposite of a cube. I asked him how it can be the opposite of a cube. He replied, "a cube has 6 faces and 8 corners, this shape has 8 faces and 6 corners." We then made an attempt to draw this one too. We later on learnt that this is called an octahedron.  
Chemistry Crafts 
Fall - 2020 (1st grade)
Here are chemistry related hand-crafts that Mortaza has made. 
2020-12-28-Benzene Molecule (2).jpg
Geometric Crafts 
May - 2021 (1st grade)
These are geometric solids that Mortaza made. I helped with the constructions, but the ideas were all Mortaza's. For more details please see the Geometry page of this website. 
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